Fast Track Your Success
with a Regulated Career
College Program in Canada

Lachute Aviation

480 boulevard de l’Aéroparc, Lachute QC

Possible funding to those who qualify*

  • Quebec Student Financial Assistance
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  • Bursaries
  • Scholarships


Programs offered at each campus may vary, so be sure to check other campus offerings for the course you are most interested in.

Skilled Trades, Auto, Fire Programs

  • This rating permits the holder of a commercial pilot’s license to begin giving pilot training. Lachute Aviation is one of the few enterprises in the region able to offer this training, thanks to our two highly experienced class 1 instructors. The instructor rating is further subdivided into 4 classifications, “class 4” through “class 1” from lowest to highest, respectively. The new instructor begins at class 4, and can ascend through to class 3 when sufficient training hours are obtained, and when 3 of his/her students pass their exams. Class 2, and eventually class 1 can be obtained after meeting a minimum number of hours, and passing Transport Canada exams.

    Ground School

    There is at least 25 hours worth of ground school involved in the training. This includes details on the theory of flight, as well as learning how to teach students in the theory of flight. This ground school component is taught by a class 1 instructor.

    Practical training

    During the required minimum 30 hours of flying, apprentice teachers will expand their flight skills, as well as learn to pilot and teach simultaneously.

    To be more Specific…

    Becoming an instructor is not a departure from a piloting career path; in fact, it’s a great way to increase the hours required to impress an airline into hiring you, while getting paid for it! Training hours count towards ‘flight experience’, so what better way could there be to rack them up?


    You need to already possess a valid Canadian Commercial Pilot’s license.


    The Instructor rating permits you to give courses on how to pilot an aircraft, and is a rapid way to build up PIC hours.

Travel, Tourism, Hospitality Programs

  • This training does not require any previous experience, and can be completed in about 12 weeks, for a full-time student. For those short of spare time, training can be spread out over months, up to a year. Training can occur on any of our single engine aircraft, I.E. typically a Cessna 152 or Cessna 172.


    You need to pass a at least a Class III medical exam You need to be at least 14 years old before you fly solo You need to be at least 17 years old to actually get your license

    Ground School

    You will go through either 60 hours of training in a class, or 40 hours of customized one-on-one training. This training gives you the knowledge and skills to pass the required Transport Canada Written exam.

    Practical training

    Canadian Law dictates a minimum of 45 hours of flight training. On average, students require 30 hours of dual flight, and 15 hours of solo flight. You will have to carry out a cross country flight with your instructor, as well as 5 hours of instrument training. Part of your solo training will include 5 hours of cross-country flight, flying in a triangle of at least 150 nautical miles, plus 2 full-stop landings.

    Obtaining your License

    You must pass the Transport Canada Theory exam with a grade of at least 60%. Also note that the theory exam is broken into 4 categories, and you must obtain at least 60% in each one in order to pass. For example, you can’t get 0 in one section, perfect in all the others, and claim victory, given a 75% average. The four sections of the exam will cover General Knowledge, Air Law, Navigation, and Weather. Then, you need to pass a practical exam with a Transport Canada representative, by getting a mark of at least 60%.


    This license permits you to be the Pilot In Command (PIC) of any single engine aircraft while in VFR day conditions. You may carry passengers, share expenses, fly abroad, and possibly go get a high performance aircraft rating.

  • You will need a Canadian private Pilot or Foreign equivalent before beginning your Commercial License training. Before getting your license, you will require 200 hours of practical flight experience, which includes hours spent during training for other licenses you possess, plus the training obtained for the commercial license. Training can occur on any of our single engine aircraft, I.E. typically a Cessna 152 or Cessna 172.


    You need to pass a Class I medical exam

    You need a Private Pilot’s License

    You need to be at least 16 years old for the training

    You need to be at least 18 years old to actually get your license

    Ground School

    You will have 80 hours of training to pass the required Transport Canada Written exam.

    Practical training

    Canadian Law dictates a minimum of 35 hours of dual flight training, of which, at least 15 hours will be with instruments. Among these flights, you will have a cross country flight of at least 300 nautical miles, with at least 3 stops.

    Obtaining your License

    You must pass the Transport Canada Commercial Theory exam with a grade of at least 60%. Also note that the theory exam is broken into 4 categories, and you must obtain at least 60% in each one in order to pass. For example, you can’t get 0 in one section, perfect in all the others, and claim victory, given a 75% average. The four sections of the exam will cover General Knowledge, Air Law, Navigation, and Weather. Then, you need to pass a practical exam with a Transport Canada representative, by getting a mark of at least 70%. To validate your license, you require a total of 200 hours of flight, with at least 100 solo hours obtained after your Private Pilot’s license.


    This license permits you to be the Pilot In Command (PIC) of any single engine aircraft while in VFR day or night conditions. You may carry passengers, share expenses, charge a premium, fly abroad, and possibly go get a high performance aircraft rating.

  • This training does not require any previous experience, and can be completed in a matter of weeks, for a full-time student. For those short of spare time, training can be spread out over months. Training can occur on any of our single engine aircraft, I.E. typically a Cessna 152 or Cessna 172.


    You need to pass a Class III or IV medical exam You need to be at least 14 years old before you fly solo You need to be at least 16 years old to actually get your license

    Ground School

    You will go through either 60 hours of training in a class, or 40 hours of customized one-on-one training. This training gives you the knowledge and skills to pass the required Transport Canada Written exam.

    Practical training

    Canadian Law dictates a minimum of 25 hours of flight training. On average, students require 17 hours of dual flight, 7 hours of solo flight. You will also need 2 hours of navigation training with an instructor.

    Obtaining your License

    You must pass the Transport Canada Theory exam with a grade of at least 60%. Also note that the theory exam is broken into 4 categories, and you must obtain at least 60% in each one in order to pass. For example, you can’t get 0 in one section, perfect in all the others, and claim victory, given a 75% average. The four sections of the exam will cover General Knowledge, Air Law, Navigation, and Weather. Then, you need to pass a practical exam with a Transport Canada representative, by getting a mark of at least 60%.


    This license permits you to be the Pilot In Command (PIC) of any single engine aircraft having 4 places or fewer, and carry up to one passenger. You can share some of the flight expenses with the passenger.

  • This license rating enables a pilot to fly at night with reference to the ground, and with instruments. This rating is essential for commercial pilots, as you will be expected to fly at all hours of day and night.

    Ground School

    There is no written exam for this rating specified or required by Transport Canada.

    Practical training

    Canadian Law requires 20 hours experience, of which 5 must be dual instrument flights, 5 dual night flying hours, and 5 hours solo night flight.

    Obtaining your Night Rating

    There is no flight test for this rating – you are only required to perform the above-mentioned number of hours of training.


    This rating allows you to fly at night with visual reference to the ground, and with instruments.

    It permits you to take off from an airport at night.

    It permits you to approach and land at an airport at night.

  • Instrument Rating Ifr

    An IFR rating allows the title holder to pilot an aircraft without visual reference to ground. We definitely recommend this for pilots intending to get a Comercial license, as you will be expected to fly at specific times, and not always in VFR conditions. Additionally, if you simply wish to remain a Private pilot, but wish to be less restricted by weather conditions, this license extension will definitely come in handy..

    Ground School

    Canadian rules don’t specify a specific number of hours spent in theory classes before the theoretical exam, nevertheless, the student must eventually pass the Transport Canada written exam with a grade of 70% or higher. The exam covers Air Law, IFR procedures, meteorology, instruments, radio systems, radar, and navigation.

    IFR Practical Training

    Canadian Law Requires 40 hours dual IFR flight training and requires a cross country trip of at least 150 miles with at least two instrument approaches. Your training will include IFR takeoffs and Landings, Holding patterns using NDB, VOR, and DME, precision approaches, non precision approaches (NDB, VOR) approaches in controlled and uncontrolled airspace, simulated in-flight emergency (equipment and engine failure) and finally IFR flight planning (weather, plan, route).

    Obtaining your Rating

    The candidate must pass the Transport Canada theory exam with a mark of at least 70%, before taking the practical test with a Transport Canada examiner. The practical flight must be passed with a mark of at least 60%.


    This rating permits a pilot to fly without visual reference to ground, assuming the pilot has filed an IFR flight plan This rating is one of the minimum requirements to be hired on a commercial basis by an airline company.

    This rating permits a pilot to take off and land at airports while they are below VFR minimum requirements. It permits you to perform an instrument approach at an airport not currently visible. Additionally, you can fly above, in, or between cloud layers. IFR flights can be during the day or at night.

Lachute Campus

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